The History

My father S. Delgado started working with bees in the early 70s.  He was later able to start his own business in the early 80s.  Locations he operated range from the coast to the mid west.  I was fortunate to have grown up working bees with my father as my teacher.  I started my own apiaries after college in hopes to focus on honey bottling directly to consumers.  I felt that desire to provide real honey after realizing most people have never experienced real honey, but have only had store bought honey which is usually foreign honey that is diluted with syrups sugars, water and honey to maximize profit.  Not to mention that honey has been burnt which kills its natural properties and keep it in a liquid state.

The Honey

We keep bees on the western part of the Sonoran Desert. Therefore our main source of honey is Desert Wild Flower and Alfalfa, which we call Desert Honey. Usually the two are mixed together by the bees when they retrieve the nectar and place it in the cells of the frame. Also mixed by us in the extraction process of the honey from the frame. Sometimes we are able to isolate the specific types of honey if we are able to catch the flower bloom on time. An example of honey we have been able to isolate would be Citrus Honey, which we extracted only honey from that specific bee location..

Our mission is to give everyone the opportunity to taste and enjoy real American Honey. Since most honey bought in stores is mixed with American honey and foreign honey it is easy to be deceived and think you’re buying one hundred percent American honey.

The Process

Pretty simple, from our bees to you. No flavor additives, no straining with water or syrups. We pride ourselves in serving 100% American honey straight from our bees.

No cooking of honey, although it is warmed to specific temperature that doesn’t destroy natural enzymes and properties, which allows for the honey to be packed.

The Flavors

Our current Honey is dependent on what flowers are around the bees (radius depends on nature like temp and winds) within 1-5miles. Sometimes we can have an overwhelming majority and identify the type of honey by the color and taste. Also it is sometimes obvious, if we put bees in an Orange Orchard, we can expect to have Orange (Citrus) Honey.